New Horses
Hi guys!!! Sorry for not posting for so long!! I was traveling a LOT this summer 😅. One of the places I went was to Vermont to visit family and to go to the fair that is there every year. I have a friend who works at the Morgan Horse Farm up there(if you’ve been reading this blog long enough you’ll probably remember her taking me there to cuddle some foals ☺️) She also works for a Clydesdale farm who were competing at the fair. I got to help out get them ready to show! It was awesome seeing everything that goes on behind the scenes! If you guys are interested, I can make a post about it. But anyway…. The main reason I’m posting; to show off my Breyerfest and post Breyerfest horses! First, Athenian Lady, the celebration horse. (I don’t have official pictures of these guys yet,[that’s how you know in busy lol] so ignore the bad pics! Here she is with the rest of my celebration horses. I absolutely love her coloring 💕 Then the SR mare and foal They are probably my favo...