All the things

 Besides riding a grumpy horse, today was filled with little treats and a halter. I finally got my clay out and made a bunch of little things. 

Some tiny carrots and apples 

Baby carrots

And some grain. It took a while to make but when I put it in the tub I was like “ that’s it?!” I’ll need to make some more.

Snowman wants that carrot…

And Misty thinks no one is looking.

The grain works great for photos!

Oh my goodness! He’s a real Snowman!!!

A salt lick. Well, it will be one.

A curry comb

It fits in a dolls hand

It’s not the best, but I was trying to do the bottom without the whole thing falling apart so I’d say it’s a success 

A sweat scraper 

         And a bottle of… something 

And NOT POTATOES!!!! My whole family thinks that they’re potatoes! But nope! You would not want to eat these! It manure! Well, it will be once I paint it.

And a half completed hoof pick

     And I also made some books over again that I had first made about a year ago. The covers are printables from Nichelle Jones at Desktop Stables:
I had previously made them of cardboard. But I thought  “I can do better than that”

So after quite a bit of work

They have pages!!!

I’m very happy with how they turned out!

And I finally finished Troopers halter!!!

He was my only Traditional horse without a halter

He is so cute!

Now the set is complete!


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