Polkadot Princess

 Luckily, my cold turned out to be more of the 24 hour type so I was back to work a few days ago. I’ve had quite a few things that I’ve been meaning to paint, but never really felt like doing it recently. But after getting sick, that’s all I wanted to do. So I painted a pony!! And not just any pony; my first Appaloosa!                                   

I had an old Schliech Pinto Shetland pony sitting around and decided that she’d be my test model ;) she came out waaaayyyy better than I expected! Not bad for a first Appaloosa I’d say!!!

Meet Polkadot Princess


  1. Wow! That muzzle is incredible! I thought it was a real horse for a second!!

  2. Wow! You did an AMAZING job on her! Well done! The only color that I'm decent at repainting is a really dark bay, and here you are doing appys, chestnuts, pintos, and more! What medium do you use? I generally use a mix of acrylics and pastel, but I'm wondering if there's any other/better methods.

    1. Thank you!!! I used acrylics for her but a going to try out pastels soon too. Honestly, I don’t really know many other methods, I’ve only been painting horses for about 6 months😅
      But I do recommend looking at https://modelhorsetutorials.weebly.com/ under the painting section. Lots of great tutorials using a ton of different techniques.

    2. Thanks! I'll make sure to check it out!


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