Last ride at Capstone

 Today I rode at Capstone for the last time 😢 I’m going to be working at a different farm starting the 18th. This one will be a lot closer (I can bike there in about 15 minutes) and instead of working 6 hours for a half-hour lesson (like I’m doing now) I will get a half hour lesson for every two hours i work! And they have trails to ride on!!! Yippee!

 I’ll tell you about the horses once I know them better (I’ve only been there once for the interview) and because I only remember two of their names 🤣

Anyway, today my mom and two of my three little sisters came to watch. My sisters were in charge of taking pictures and videos 0-0

A few actually turned out okay 

Some were not so great 

And a few were nice pictures of Phantoms butt 🤣
And don’t ask me why there is a random muck bucket in the middle of the area, I don’t know. Maybe the roof was leaking?

But it was a very good last ride. Phantom Is a good boy. A sweaty, slobbery, good boy

(I’ll be back visiting a lot😉)


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