Practice Makes Perfect

A few weeks back, I got some new leather lace. So I decided that it was time to make some halters. My first victim was Snowman. His mold is the perfect one to try things on, in my opinion. (And he needed a new halter anyway) Here’s how it came out:

As usual, I made all the hardware myself. I can’t really afford to get a bunch from Rio Rondo. 

But this was my first attempt at a rolled throat latch.

I am very pleased with how it came out. :)

I think Snowman is pleased too!

After I completed the first halter, I was just dying to make another. This time I made one for my favorite Breyer, Adamek.

I used all the same techniques, but this time I tried adding little stitch marks to all the leather.

I was really happy with that one too, but I still felt that I could do better. So I got one of my other horses.(My only horse that I cannot name! Seriously, literally nothing I think of suits him.And started making one for him.

I added stitch markings to this one too, and I think they turned out a lot better.

While making his halter I also noticed that he has a pretty big seam under his head. Seems pretty weird to me since he was a pretty rare SR for BF 2012. (Only 1,200 made for those of you wondering) but then again, I guess it’s always possible to miss one.

My two horses on the Cleveland Bay molds with their halters. I definitely like the newer one better.

And I managed to get three halters made with only one incident.

Bad X-acto knife!!!

I could’ve just stopped there or just made another halter. But I still had a bit of leather lace left and I wanted to do something more difficult. So I decided to try to make my first leather bridle. (The reason it doesn’t have reins is because I ran out of lace…ops!)

They’re still A lot of room for improvement, But I’m very happy with how it came out. And now I know what to try to do better next time. The buckles could be smaller, and the straps definitely need to be straighter, but practice makes perfect right?


  1. Wow! They look great. :D
    Very nice job on the hardware, too!

  2. Woah! That bridle looks SO GOOD! Do you think that you could give a tutorial for the halter squares?

    1. Thanks!!! I think I could definitely do a quick tutorial on the halter squares, they are super easy to make.

    2. YES PLEASE!!!!!!

  3. How about Excalibur as a name for your unnamed Cleveland bay?

    1. That’s PERFECT! Thank you!

    2. I'm glad you like it!

    3. Oh yeah, that was me by the way. I ALWAYS forget to add my name ๐Ÿ˜‘


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