
Better late then never right? It’s almost a month after Halloween and I’m just introducing Slither now!πŸ˜…

This is my first Halloween horse, they usually don’t appeal to me, but there was just something about Slither. Maybe because he’s on my favorite Classic mold? 

 But from what I’ve heard, Slither is one of those horses you either love or hate. 

I was super excited to see the adorable box he came in! I just love how Breyer did this one!

He was nicely packaged too, 

And here he is! 

The tag is really cute too!

And his color is very nice 

If it’s under the right lighting, there is even some blue and purple.

I just love this mold! He’s so handsome!

And his name is written on his belly 

There are a few flaws with his paint, but nothing major.

Then of course I had to try him in the dark! I put him under my desk lamp for 10-15 minutes and here are the results:

Very happy with this guy! I hope to get more horses on this mold soon!


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