Last Auction Models and Giveaway Winner!!!

 Man, the last few auction models from Breyer are GORGEOUS!!! Here is what is on the BF blog:

First up is Lot #15 – mold #747, Jumper (also known as Bristol) done as a lovely Dapple Sooty Palomino

Lot #16 – mold #811, the Vanner Mare as a beautiful Grey Tobiano-Sabino

Lot #17 – mold #826, the Cantering Welsh Cob, You're So Vain Sunday on-site raffle model, done as a stunning Red Dun Blanket Appaloosa

Lot #19 – molds #734 and #735, the Andalusian Mare & Foal as an lovely Dapple Rose Grey Mare & Bay Going Grey Foal

To round out the reveals we have Lot #20 – mold #725, Totilas as a stunning Glossy Blood Bay Overo

These are all the auction models we can show you now! We have held back four special lots that will be revealed on Friday July 12th at the Kentucky Horse Park and in the online catalogue. We promise these four are worth the wait! 

Well, the fact that thier holding back a few lots makes the random non-existent lots make sense! I think the Wixom is still my favorite auction model… but man! That Bristol and vanner mare sure make it hard! 

And now for the giveaway winner…. Adah R.!!! Thank you all for entering! Adah, please email me at to give me your address so I can get your stablemate in the mail so you’ll have a BreyerFest buddy!!!  😁


  1. Congrats Adah! :D
    (And thank you for hosting! 💜)

  2. Oh my! Thank you!! I'll email you ASAP. :D

    And I totally agree, those last models are stunning! Bristol's color is so rich.


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