
Everything Under The Sun

 Sorry for not posting for so long! I’ve been so busy! I have 4 commissions to finish, 10 halters to make, 3 mini whinny boxes, two sets of boots, one show halter, a leather halter, a shipping halter, just to name a few! And that’s not even counting the orders from my Etsy store 😂  So… yeah, I have lots of model horse stuff to do!  Here are the models I’ve finished: This mini whinny family, the foal is so cute!!! And this dappled grey stablemate, who has since sold And I don’t think I’ve posted this guy yet, he’s a mini whinny I painted a few months ago. Still for sale as of now! So let me know if you want him!  And here is a few of my projects…. I also started making mini whinny boxes!!! They are super fun (but also time-consuming) to make!  Then I made this Arabian halter for fun… it needs work, but is much better than the first one I made! I also spent way too long making this bridle😂 it is very detailed and is for sale as well!  And, my favorite thing...

Recent Customs

 I’ve been working on quite a few customs over the past couple months. I’ve done lots of new things, my first rabicano and my first traditional horse. The traditional is definitely my best custom to date!  I did a fleabitten grey because I am good at those😂 I am very happy with how he turned out! I had planned from the beginning to sell him when he was done, but I was definitely tempted to keep him! I tried a new technique to make them more realistic.  And the eyes… well, I think I finally get those down pat!!! I sold him as planned and he went to a home where he is going to be shown☺️. In fact, she put him in a show a few weekends ago and he placed fourth out of over a dozen horses!  (Her picture used with permission) Then I painted a mini whinny standardbred (who is for sale for $20 if anyone is interested) This beautiful girl I was actually painting for my sister, but I fell in love with her and kept her👀 (don’t worry, I’m making her another horse🤣) Then I trie...

New Horses

 Hi guys!!! Sorry for not posting for so long!! I was traveling a LOT this summer 😅. One of the places I went was to Vermont to visit family and to go to the fair that is there every year. I have a friend who works at the Morgan Horse Farm up there(if you’ve been reading this blog long enough you’ll probably remember her taking me there to cuddle some foals ☺️)   She also works for a Clydesdale farm who were competing at the fair. I got to help out get them ready to show! It was awesome seeing everything that goes on behind the scenes! If you guys are interested, I can make a post about it. But anyway…. The main reason I’m posting; to show off my Breyerfest and post Breyerfest horses!  First, Athenian Lady, the celebration horse. (I don’t have official pictures of these guys yet,[that’s how you know in busy lol] so ignore the bad pics! Here she is with the rest of my celebration horses. I absolutely love her coloring 💕 Then the SR mare and foal They are probably my favo...

Breyerfest OVER 😁😢

 I didn’t do much the last day of Breyerfest, because I needed to pack for going out of state this week! So don’t expect any posts for the rest of the week.  But Breyer has announced the theme for next BF! Sound awesome! I’m wondering what they are going to do for the real horse aspect and how they will relate to 75 years of BF…. But anyway, I hope I can go in person but I doubt it. Only time will tell!

Breyerfest Day 2!!!

Another great day watching BreyerFest online!  My favorite parts are Kelly’s Corner where they show models from the archive room, and watching Guy McLean with his horses! He is just incredible! And another one my favorites from today was seeing Amanda and Athena. Even on a screen, their bond is so visible! I love it!   Love this picture!  I decided to guess what all the lots would sell for. I wrote all my guesses down before hand!  It was very exciting to watch! Although most of the horses I thought would be low went higher, and all of the ones I thought would be high were lower 😂  But, hey, it was my first year guessing, and with these auctions… you never really know for sure! I was guessing this guy, lot #1, would go for $5,300; he ended up going for $15,000!!! I was not expecting that! At first I thought they were testing or something, but then they moved on to the next horse, and I was like “ookkkk… that was unexpected!” My guess for lot #2, the paso fino, ...