This, that, and the other thing

 I finally decided on a color for this guy:

I’m going to do a seal brown. After a while of thinking, that was the color that kept coming to mind. Don’t the models chose the color themselves sometimes? Or an I just going crazy…? 

Anyway, I found a ton of reference pictures:   

I like these three the best:

I’m still debating whether or not he should have any white markings…

Then of course I needed mouth pictures since his mouth is open:

I’m also using the eyes on some of these as reference too. I want an almost-scared look, more like annoyed… do you know what I’m saying? Maybe?

And speaking of painting, I’m going to be doing the Painting A Chestnut workshop on Breyers National Fun Day Event. It’s actually perfect because I’ve never painted a chestnut before (well, polkadot princess was a chestnut leopard Appaloosa but it’s not the same) I’ve done 2 bays, 2 pintos(both B&W๐Ÿ˜…), 2 appy’s and 2 blue(they were unicorns). Hmmm that’s a lot of two colors๐Ÿคฃ

And on a different note, I made my 100th sale on Etsy earlier this week!!! Yahoo! 

Alright, that’s it for today, hopefully I remember to take pictures of the painting process (I’m planning on starting tomorrow). With any luck I’ll post again soon!!!


  1. Seal brown/bays are a favorite of mine to paint! Excited to see the finished product. :)
    Also, congrats on your 100th sale! ๐ŸŽ‰


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